Bible Study

Look closely at a book of the Bible, discover a bit about its context and background and discover its relevance to your life today.
Monday Evenings
Fortnightly at 7pm. Zoom is available for everyone who can’t get there in person.
Contact the minister for details.
Wednesday Mornings in the Crypt (behind the office)
9:05 Morning Prayer
9:45 Bible Study
Practically Spiritual
First Saturday Morning of each month – 8.30am Crypt.
This is a casual and comfortable group, which reads and discusses writings from a variety of early classical to contemporary religious and spiritual authors, such as Richard Rohr, CS Lewis, Dr Patrick Oliver, Julian of Norwich, in an attempt to gain insights into the working of God in our own lives and to discern where and how God is calling us to be. If you are interested, even if only to listen, you are most welcome to join us. Contact our office for details.
Book Club
Meet with members of St Paul’s and others once per month or so.
Contact our office for details.
RSVP essential due to COVID restrictions.