Easter is at the centre of Christian spirituality. We believe that God, who formed, loves and sustains us all, became one with us in a baby who was born in Bethlehem and raised in Nazareth. Jesus shared all the adventures, celebrations and tragedies that are common to human life. He laughed and he cried. He loved and he was hurt.
God knows what it feels like to suffer.
Jesus taught and lived a way of being in the world for the benefit of others; a way of love, peace and truth. This make powerful people very uncomfortable, so uncomfortable that they tried to get rid of him in a violent public execution.
God knows what it feels like to die.
That was Friday. On Sunday morning, some of Jesus’ friends went to his tomb, wanting to give his body the care that was traditionally given at that time. But he wasn’t there. And then he met with them and explained that he had experienced death and had made a way through it to eternal life, not just for himself but for all of us.
Jesus told his friends that it was their job to take the news about him to all the world and see how love, peace and truth can transform people and cultures – even ours. And that is what we are still doing.

Join Us
Palm Sunday, 7:30 & 9am
On the Sunday before Easter, we remember how the crowds hailed Jesus as king, just a few days before they would be calling for his execution. Find the service outline here.
Maundy Thursday, 6pm
On the evening before Good Friday, we eat a simple meal together to remember Jesus’ last meal with his friends, when he taught them servant leadership by washing their feet. Find the outline for the liturgy here.
Good Friday, 8:30am
We remember Jesus’ death for us on the cross. Find the service outline here.
Holy Saturday, 7pm
Service of the Light. We watch and wait for the light of resurrection. Find the service outline here.
Easter Day, 8:30
We celebrate Jesus’ defeat of death. Find the service outline here.