Happy and Holy Christmas!

Rev Pam Hynd's sermon for Christmas Day

Prepare our hearts to be transformed by You

Rev Pam Hynd's sermon for Advent 3

Rev Pam Hynd's sermon for Christ The King

Rev Pam Hynd's sermon for Pentecost 26

Can we let go?

Rev Pam Hynd's sermon for Pentecost 25

Rev Nicholas Whereat's sermon for Pentecost 23

Challenge us

Rev Pam Hynd's sermon for Season of Creation 5

True North

If our heart is our inner compass, how do we make sure it is pointing us in the right direction? No video this week, sorry, but you can find the text at this link: https://revdrmargaretwesley.substack.com/p/true-north?r=320jh0

Rev Kathy Hammer's sermon for Pentecost 14

Real Food

don't let your life be a Barmecide feast