A New Commandment

Love one another as Jesus loved his followers. Same old commandment, but new in every situation as we work out how to love in new ways in new times. Our times are challenging but full of possibility. Will we, can we, stand with Peter on the rooftop where God challenged all his prejudices and allow our minds and hearts to be opened as his was. We don't know where this might lead the Anglican Church of Australia, so we pray that God will make the path clear.

A New Commandment

Love one another as Jesus loved his followers. Same old commandment, but new in every situation as we work out how to love in new ways in new times. Our times are challenging but full of possibility. Will we, can we, stand with Peter on the rooftop where God challenged all his prejudices and allow our minds and hearts to be opened as his was. We don't know where this might lead the Anglican Church of Australia, so we pray that God will make the path clear.

The Good Shepherd

Rev Pam Hynd's sermon for Easter 4

Come follow me

Rev Kathy Hammers' Sermon for the Third Sunday of Easter

Pax Jesu

On the previous Friday, Pilate had asked Jesus, "What is truth?" If he had asked, "What is peace?" and if Jesus had answered, he would have found that the meaning of peace he assumed as a Roman official was very different from the peace Jesus breathed into his followers - and far less powerful. Pax Romana was no match for Pax Jesu.

Christ is Risen

Why are you looking for the living among the dead? If he isn't in the tomb, where is Jesus? And where can we find him now? Today we invite Luke to be our guide to the Resurrection (24:1-12) as he tells us where Jesus is and isn't to be found.

Good Friday

It feels like we have been stuck in Good Friday for two and a half years. While we wait for Easter morning there are resources to be gained even in this dark place.

No Safety in Silence - Palm Sunday

If the people stop singing praises, the stones will shout. It can be dangerous to use your voice when standing on occupied territory. Even Good News is threatening to people who are benefiting from the status quo. But what can we do? The stones will speak up if we don't.

Get Out of Her Way!

Time to think again about Mary of Bethany and women like her. The Gospel writers venerate her Jesus cried when she was sad and admired her so much that he followed her example. Judas thought he had a right to correct and constrict her. His second biggest mistake!

Messy Grace

Has it ever occurred to you in the story of the Prodigal Son that the father is the only one having any fun? He's cooking fatted calfs, playing dress-ups, putting up streamers and blowing up balloons, but his sons are barely able to live with their grief, anger, regret and shame. Repentance is hard Grace is Messy