The Discipleship Hinge

Are you a Mary or a Martha? No, don't tell me! We should stop asking that question and all just get on with following Mary's example by "sitting at the feet of Jesus" - that is, by being his disciples.

The Story that Changed the World

What do you do when you see someone in need? Almost certainly you A. Help them if you can. B. Feel frustrated if you can't help them. C. Feel guilty if you don't help them. That is the power this story has had on our world

If we live by the Spirit, let us also be guided by the Spirit

Rev Pam Hynd's sermon for Pentecost 3


There are all sorts of storms: Lightning-and-thunder-and-pelting-rain storms Devastating-waves-and-menacing-wind storms Flooding, invasive, water-getting-in-everywhere storms. Outrage-erupting-on-the-streets political storms Battle-for-dominance-and-autonomy-and-land-and-loyalty war storms I-am-right-and-you-are-wrong relationship storms Terrifying, violent, tormenting inner mental storms All sorts of storms In Luke 8 Jesus calm a lake storm on his way to meet someone struggling to survive at the intersection of just about every storm that life can throw at a person.

Shall We Dance?

Before the creation of the world there was love. Before the first human smile there was laughter. Before there was air there was artistry. Before there was light there was delight. And according to Proverbs 8 all that love and laughter and artistry and delight danced our universe into being and revelled at the birth of humanity.


Against the human tendency toward conformity, uniformity, homogeneity, God sends the Holy Spirit to bring difference, diversity and creativity! Come Holy Spirit!

REJOICE! The Lord is... gone?

So, Jesus disappears into the sky and the disciples return to the city rejoicing. Why? What's so good about Jesus being gone? Today we celebrate Ascension, just a few days late.

Healing the Nations

"On either side of the river is the tree of life with its twelve kinds of fruit, producing its fruit each month; and the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations." (Revelation 22:2) Don't we desperately long for that day! Now more than ever. But this is not just meant to be a lovely future to look forward to. This is what the church is meant to be right now - what the true church IS right now - hidden behind the selfishness and greed and worship of power that we find in all church institutions. As we follow Paul and Lydia's example in Acts 16 we move towards that vision by understanding that: 1. The church is built when God and people work together. 2. The Church is built when we respond to the people and circumstances in front of us, rather than holding on to our prejudices and expectations. 3. The church is built when our words and actions are congruent with our faith. 4. The church is built when followers of Jesus support each other even when it is costly.

A New Commandment

Love one another as Jesus loved his followers. Same old commandment, but new in every situation as we work out how to love in new ways in new times. Our times are challenging but full of possibility. Will we, can we, stand with Peter on the rooftop where God challenged all his prejudices and allow our minds and hearts to be opened as his was. We don't know where this might lead the Anglican Church of Australia, so we pray that God will make the path clear.

A New Commandment

Love one another as Jesus loved his followers. Same old commandment, but new in every situation as we work out how to love in new ways in new times. Our times are challenging but full of possibility. Will we, can we, stand with Peter on the rooftop where God challenged all his prejudices and allow our minds and hearts to be opened as his was. We don't know where this might lead the Anglican Church of Australia, so we pray that God will make the path clear.