Naked, Needy, Vulnerable

God who becomes a naked, needy, vulnerable baby? Where is the light in that? How is that good news? Rev Dr Margaret Wesley draws on wisdom from Brene Brown to understand what the vulnerability of God means for us at Christmas. St Paul's, Ashgrove, Christmas Day 2021


The most pregnant meeting ever! Full of hope, peace, joy and LOVE! Advent 4, 2021 at St Paul's Ashgrove


We have been through a lot, but every day we are invited to be open to being surprised by JOY. The last minute or so of this video has been lost, sadly, but it is still very much worth watching!


Peace isn't something we find when we are alone. Peace is the meeting place of two warring tribes, two incompatible ideologies. Peace is the meeting place of God and humanity. Jesus is our peace.

Hope, and do not fear

Rev Pam Hynd's sermon for Advent 1

What is Truth

Jesus is Lord! Christ is King! That's good news, isn't it? Well, it is good news for some people. Not such good news for Pilate, or for anyone else who is in the habit of evading truth.

Puzzles in Life and Scripture

Sometimes our assumptions get in the way of us seeing the whole picture.

They went ahead of us

Rev Pam Hynd's sermon for All Saints & All Souls

Whose Is It?

Jesus sidestepped a question about taxes in order to give his questioner an even deeper challenge. How might that challenge inform our choices in the complexities of our lives?

Called from the Margins

The disciples told him not to bother Jesus. Jesus had other plans.