Peace! Be Still!

Rev Pam Hynd's sermon for Pentecost 4

Ascension 2021

Rev Pam Hynd's sermon for Ascension 2021 - 16 May.

Double value today! Rev Margaret's Ascension sermon is below - see "Is this the Time?"

Trinity for Troubled Times

As Rev Margaret will be away for a few weeks, and to take some pressure off the locum, we have included last year's Trinity sermon here. Our situation has changed a little since then but the beauty of our invitation to join in the eternal dance of Trinitarian love has not diminished.

Pentecost Miracles

As Rev Margaret will be away for a few weeks, and to take some pressure off the locum, we have included last year's Pentecost sermon here. Our situation has changed a little since then but the hope we have in the God's presence with us by the Holy Spirit has not diminished.

Is this the Time?

As Rev Margaret will be away for a few weeks, and to take some pressure off the locum, we have included last year's Ascension sermon here. Our situation has changed a little since then but the hope we have in the resurrected and ascended Christ has not diminished.

Let Us Love One Another

Rev Pam Hynd's sermon for the Sixth Sunday of Easter 09 May 2021

Stay or Go

As followers of Jesus look around we can feel compelled to make a choice: should I be evangelical or liberal, progressive or conservative? What if we didn't have to choose? What if we could be all of the above?

The Good Shepherd

If Jesus is the Good Shepherd then all good leadership is: More about listening than instructing. More about walking with than about giving directions. More about service than status. And if we claim that the Lord is our shepherd then: 1. We are making a political statement of allegiance to God above all other demands for our loyalty. 2. We are committing to obstinate hope that, however harsh and dark life might feel, the ultimate power and the deepest truth is not cruelty or even indifference. It is love. 3. AND we are agreeing to model our own leadership on the vulnerable, self-giving leadership of Jesus.

Resurrection Empathy

After the resurrection there is still fear After the resurrection there is still doubt And after the resurrection there is also joy!

When Jesus Breaks In

This sermon was given a year ago, when services had been suspended and we were all literally huddled behind locked doors, like the disciples. When the rostered preacher for this Sunday became ill and I did not have time to pre-record a sermon, I decided that it might be interesting for us to take a look at where we were and how we were feeling a year ago, and ask ourselves how Jesus has come through the locked doors of our lives over the past year, and given us peace.