Pam Hynd Sermon

Rev Pam Hynd's sermon at St Paul's Anglican Church, Ashgrove, Brisbane. Sunday 29 Nov 20 - Advent Sunday

Christ The King

Jesus is about to be arrested, imprisoned, stripped, wounded, and executed. And his followers will not accompany or support him. Their failure will be acute and excruciating But it isn't too late For them Or for us. We can still visit Jesus, clothe him and give him a drink of water. Matthew 25:31-46. (

Burying Your Light

This is not the year to be putting ourselves under pressure to be better, smarter, thinner and stronger. So what do we do with the Parable of the huge sums of money (talents)? This reflection on Matthew 25:14-30 was presented at St Paul's, Ashgrove in NAIDOC Week 2020.

Ready to Celebrate

Rev Kathy Hammer reflects on Matthew 25:1-13 at the start of NAIDOC Week 2020

Bishop Jeremy Greaves at St Paul's Ashgrove

Bishop Jeremy reflects on reading challenging parables in a sermon given at St Paul's Ashgrove on Sunday 11 October, 2020 You will find it helpful to read Matthew 22:1-14 before watching (

Let Him Have It

Matthew 22:15-33

Give to the Emperor the things that belong to the Emperor and to God the things that belong to God.

This aphorism from Jesus has long been used to suggest that he thought it would be a good idea to keep "religion" and "politics" separate. Was he really being that bland? "Pay your taxes. God to church. You'll be right."

I'm not buying it. Not with a Roman coin, anyway.