Unarmed on History's Battlefield

The characters from Palm Sunday and Good Friday have been present on all of history's battlefields. • The would-be messiahs calling for violent resistance. • The oppressed populace, desperate enough to follow them. • The anxious leaders who foresee the worst and compromise their integrity to limit the destruction. • And the ones who hold the real power and are desperate to keep it. Again, and again and again, this has played out. All the characters come back again and again. All the characters, but one. On Palm Sunday, the script changed, because a new character entered the drama. See, your king comes to you Humble and riding on a donkey.

Healing Light

Light brings healing. Always!

How to Read the Story of US

If we think of all God’s interactions with humanity as a book – how do you think we might go about reading that book?

A New Volume in the Story of Hope

A million ordinary events pass in and out of our awareness every day, but sometimes things happen that are so significant that they become chapter headings in our life story: dividing our lives into the time before that event and the time after.

Covenant with Creation

Covenant is a big theme in the Bible. Do you know who God makes the first covenant of the Bible with? Not Abraham. Not Noah. Let's see... Well, I guess the title has given it away

The Intoxication of Success

Everything was going his way Until suddenly it wasn't! You have to feel for Peter!

The Intoxication of Success

Everything was going his way Until suddenly it wasn't! You have to feel for Peter!

"Don't talk about Jesus - be Jesus"

Rev Pam Hynd's sermon for Epiphany 4

(Apology for the unexplained audio breakup)

"Don't talk about Jesus - be Jesus"

Rev Pam Hynd's sermon for Epiphany 4

Return of Hope

Repent! That can be a scary "religious" word. But repentance is not about threat of punishment - it is about the hope of real change.