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Rev Kathy Hammers' Sermon for Pentecost 6

George MacDonald

Full Evensong service at St John's Cathedral, 2 July 2023. Rev Margaret's sermon on the 19th Century Author - theologian - mystic begins at around 54 minutes

What does faith REALLY look like?

So, today we do some thinking about Abraham's call to (NOT) sacrifice Isaac. Really disturbing but also foundational. God does not have needs. God does not demand sacrifice. That's a hard message to get through.

God who Sees

Maybe history is told from the perspective of the victors. But it is when we read from the perspective of the victims that we begin to see that God is up to.

Where is Sarah?

So you thought Abraham is a hero character and his treatment of Sarah is treated as non-problematic in the Bible? Time to think again. Genesis is way too sophisticated for that!

Just Go!

So, this one's a little bit personal. Rev Margaret doesn't often talk about herself in her sermons, but if you are preaching about the call of Abraham and God has also called you to leave everything behind and move into an unknown future, you need to be honest about the extent to which the Bible story is your own story. This sermon was preached at St Paul's on June 11 which, as it happens, is the anniversary of Rev Margaret's ordination to the Diaconate.


Our Trinitarian God gives us hope for a church that embraces unity in diversity, and even for an entire humanity united in celebration of the gorgeous eccentricity or every individual. "With all humility and gentleness, with patience, bear with one another in love, making every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace: there is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to the one hope of your calling, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all" (Ephesians 4:2-6)

If Only ALL Gods People would Prophesy!

Pentecost! Gathering in love and fear Suddenly from heaven Violent wind filling the room Divided tongues Fire, fire, fire Fire on each, in each Spirit words from each Spirit-drawn from every nation Speaking Hearing God’s deeds of power About the Son who called the thirsty To drink And become fountains in a thirsty world.

God's faith in us

Rev Pam Hynd's sermon for Ascension

(Apologies for the drifting audio sync)

I See You

In which Rev Margaret begins with a story about "2 Ways to Live" evangelism and ends, like 1 John, with an encouragement to reject idolatry by living in love.